…And the groom, and the bridal party, and the friends and the family…you get the picture (we mean that literally by the way)! I mean, how often is it that you have the most important people in your life, gathered in one place to celebrate with you?

Well, now you can make your special day that much more memorable when you give everyone the opportunity to say, “Magic Mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all”. As the bride, it’s you of course, but we can let your guests think what they’d like.
We’re sure you don’t want them to forget the special moments shared, which is where we come in! With the Screenshot Interactive Magic Mirror or the Mobile Magic Mirror your guests can get the red carpet photo treatment so they can remember the magical night. We know it’s a busy night for the bride and groom, but don’t forget to stop and smile for the camera with your loved ones.
Your guests can take home customised photo strips (with your wedding hashtag included) and you can get the digital images in just a day or two to share with friends and family. We think that ought to tide you over until the official wedding photos are ready!